Monday, 25 January 2016

Post-colonialism: Edward Said blog task

1) Summarise the three theorists we have looked at: Alvarado, Fanon and Said.

Alvarado: comes up with four key themes in racial representations. The four key themes are:

  • exotic - carnival/drinks/model
  • humorous - 'goodness, gracious me' - connections - stops them from being a threat
  • pited - Haita earthquake; poverty
  • dangerous - riots, crime, gangs, socially dysfunctional

Fanon: '' putting on the white mask'' comes up with four theories which are:

  • infantilize - such as the 'cute' children of the charity poster of the 'simple-minded' 'step' 'n' fetch it
  • primitivise - the 'exotic + virile' tribal warriors on bare- breasted women maidens' with a 'natural sense of rhythm' sporting prowess. 
  • deculize - ' the gansta, pimp' - etc
  • essentialize - undifferentiated mass 'they all look the same to me' 

Said: orientialism - west are more superior to the exotic and dangerous east.

2) Watch the opening of Yasmin (2004) again. Does it offer a positive or negative view of British Muslims? To what extent does it reinforce or challenge Edward Said's theory of Orientalism - that the west is superior to the exotic or uncivilised east?

The opening of Yasmin presented many stereotypes which were positive as well as negative. The positive stereotype was the kid that was praying which shows that he values his religion; also the part when the old man washes off the graffiti which shows he's making a positive change to the environment which therefore makes him a good person.

However; the negative stereotype comes from the main protagonist as she goes against her religion and her values. She removes her hijab and wears jeans. This shows how Yasmin disobeys her religion due to favouring the western culture as she feels more comfortable in it for example at work.

3) Finally, choose THREE clips for EACH of the theorists and explain how you could apply that theory to the clip. Pick a selection of clips on YouTube from TV, film, music video or advertising and embed them in your blog before writing your analysis under each clip. Note: this means you need NINE clips in total on this blogpost.


1) anuvahood 

This movie portrays the humorous aspect of alvarados theories.

2)boyz n the hood 

This movie shows a sense of danger as well as pity for when the protagonist dies

3) fifty shades of black 

This movie shows represents black boys stereotype could refer to exotic


1) new jack city 

This movie presents gangs weapons drugs 

2) Rick Ross take it to the head 

This song shows everyone similar they are all wearing the same mask.

3) karate kid 

This film shows the strength and the hard work the child puts in 


1) east is east

This film represents the differences between the western and eastern 

2) my name is Khan 

This is a Bollywood movie where a Pakistani man travels to America to tell the president that he's not a terrorist 

3) eastenders 

This is a famous British drama with a Asian family in it shows the difference between western and eastern

Post-colonialism: blog task

1) List FIVE films, FIVE TV programmes and FIVE online-only productions that are discussed in the article.


  • Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 
  • Sunshine (2007)
  • Kidulthood (2006)
  • Adulthood(2008)
  • Attack The Block (2011),

TV programmes:

  • Dr Who
  • Star Trek (2013)
  • Saul Dibb’s Bullet Boy (2004)
  • Top Boy
  • Line of Duty

Online only: 

  • White Teeth (2002)
  • Brick Lane (2007) 
  • Small Island (2009)
  • Sapphire (1959) 
  • Flame in the Streets (1961)

3) Watch Destiny Ekaragha's clips above (more of her work is available onher website, including the short film The Park). To what extent can we apply Alvarado's and Fanon's theories to these films? Do they reinforce or subvert typical black stereotypes in British film and TV? Refer to specific scenes and events in the clips in answering this question and aim for at least 350 words.

Both Alvardo's and Fanon's work can be applied to Destiny Ekaragha's work indifferent aspects. Alvardo's theory of racial representations could relate to Ekaragha's work as in the trailer of 'Gone to far' we see 'humorous'  due to the characters Jamaican  accent and the way he dressed. There was also a sense of 'exotic' when the character was singing a song in Jamaican accent as their music is one of their specialties.'Humorous 'could also be linked to Tight Jeans' the characters were making jokes of the stereotype of black boys. Fanon's theory can link to Destiny Ekaragha's work as we could link primitivise and deculize to both films, as both films have exoticness as well as representing gansta and pimps. 

Friday, 22 January 2016

13C: January assessment learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

  • good application of some theories/debates
  • provides examples of the power influence of media
  • conglomerates, including referring to Pareto's law.

2) Read through the mark scheme. Of the six different statements, write which you think is currently your strongest and which is weakest. Explain WHY and, for the weakest, what you are going to do to improve in that area.

Critical autonomy

3) Read through the exemplar A grade essay. What does this essay offer that yours does not? Identify THREE things you can take from this essay to improve your own responses in future.

  • focuses on the question throughout the essay and gives a wide range of examples.
  • keywords 
  • quotes 

4) Write ONE new paragraph for your January assessment essay. Ideally, this should be a section you did not cover in your original essay. This paragraph needs to be comprehensive and meet the criteria for Level 4 of the mark scheme.

...However;  a Marxists perspective on the impact of new and digital media would be that participants are not able to participate equally; due to gatekeepers who manipulate how we react to different medias. Allan de botton states 'the new is very nature bias' which shows that their are ruling bodies behind the media who control us by voicing their opinions. This hegemony belief and value can be reinforced by paretos law -the idea that a minority of producers are serving a majority of consumers could be challenged.


Bolt Report: News Corp refuses to confirm reports show has been dropped

Andrew Bolt on the set of the Bolt Report on Channel Ten in 2014. The future of the show is now unclear.


News Corp has refused to confirm reports that Andrew Bolt’s Sunday morning TV program, which it finances to the tune of $2m a year, will not be broadcast on Ten this year. Guardian Australia understands the decision on the future of the the Bolt Report has been delayed ahead of a News Corp board meeting next month.Sources said Ten was charging News about $2m a year for using its facilities to produce and broadcast the one-hour weekly program. When Lachlan Murdoch was chairman at Ten he arranged for News to pay for the now defunct Meet the Press and the Bolt Report, which were proving too expensive for the ailing network. The program has never enjoyed high ratings or attracted lucrative advertising revenue. It is consistently beaten in the ratings by Insiders on the ABC.


  • A spokesman for Bolt said there would be no comment on the future of the Bolt Report.
  •  Bolt also said he was going to be very busy filming his 2017 ABC TV show, I Can Change Your Mind About Recognition, this year and no longer wanted to work seven days a week.

Front page derision: the Sun and Daily Telegraph on Monday.


Most national newspapers scorned Jeremy Corbyn’s suggestion that there is a “third way” between maintaining the Trident programme and scrapping it. The building of new submarines should go ahead, he said, but they need not be armed with nuclear warheads. The proposal may overcome union concern about the loss of jobs in Scotland and Cumbria. It does not overcome press hostility towards Labour’s leader. The Sun devoted its whole front page to the compromise, headlined “Off his war head”, plus a couple of pages inside in which the paper argued that Corbyn had destroyed Labour’s credibility.The bombshell came in a mind-blowing 15 minutes where Mr Corbyn also called for talks with Argentina over the future of the Falklands.
  • The paper viewed Corbyn’s argument, that nuclear weapons are now irrelevant, as “blinkered”.
  • The Indy accepted that Trident replacement would be “expensive and difficult to justify in a world where our most immediate threats come not from Russia or North Korea but from Isis and al-Qaeda.”

Friday, 15 January 2016


#7 - 08/10/15:  Facebook gets emotive
#28 - 12/12/2015 Twitter warns users they may have been hacked by 'state-sponsored actors'
#29 - 15/122015 Hollywood's ties with Silicon Valley threaten to squeeze out the British media
#30 - 20/12/2015 Boston Globe reporters forced to deliver papers by hand amid distribution crisis. 
#31 - 21/12/2015 Make or break for the Sun and more consolidation
#32 - 28/11/2015  Some New Year resolutions for the Guardian
#33 - 01/01/2016  The #BringBackOurGirls of 2016: what will dominate Africa's Twittersphere this year?
#34 - 03/01/2016  Newsquest/Gannett forced to change policy over remote subbing



Destiny Ekargha

To what extent can we apply the theories of Alvardo and Fanon to Ekargha's work.

Frantz Fanon:

Language used in gone to far was immediately was recognised as Caribbean, as in the trailer the character states 'when I wake up in the morning I am nigeria.'  In relation to the white masks we can show how the trailer presented a English black man and then a Nigerian black man, showed the differences in the way they talk and how they act. The black English man was represented as a 'gangster' which relates to the idea of declulize. The mother and the son from Nigeria speak in a similar accent - idea of essentialize 'they all look the same.' 

Avarda (1987)

Avarada's theory links to Ekargha's work as his short movies usually relate to humorous films, as there is a lot of comedy in his films. There are many jokes cracked in the short films where, for example in gone to far the son rocks up in open toed shoes and socks which highlights a sense of comedy. In another film short film of his 'the Ellington' there is a mix of dangerous and humorous as there are knifes in the restaurant which highlights dangerous however it was all a made up imagination which makes it a comedy.


Facebook being used in the workplace
In a landmark ruling by the European court of human rights (ECHR) an employer’s actions in reading a member of staff’s personal communications on Yahoo Messenger were deemed to be reasonable. The court ruling involving a company in Romania said it was within its rights to read the personal messages of one of its engineers, Bogdan Barbulescu, that he sent on Yahoo Messenger while he was supposed to be working. The engineer was fired after his employer discovered he was using Yahoo Messenger for communicating with his fiancee and brother, even though he had been asked to set up the account for the purpose of responding to clients’ enquiries. The employer said this was in breach of company policy.
  • The circumstances in which you may or may not use work email and internet for private communications;
  • The extent and type of private use that is allowed;
  • Why your emails are being monitored, the extent of the monitoring, and the means used; and
  • How the policy is enforced and the penalties if you breach

    Mail Online Australia front page
    The Daily Mail has ended its joint venture with Nine Entertainment and taken full control of its Australian news and entertainment website.The two companies, which described the decision as mutual, announced the joint venture in 2013 with the newsroom opening in Sydney on 1 January 2014.Martin Clarke, the chief executive of the Mail Online’s global operation, said the fast-changing digital market meant 100% ownership was the best model. “I’d like to thank Nine for its sterling support since we launched two years ago to make Daily Mail Australia one of Australia’s leading news sites, but both companies felt that in a changing media landscape the needs of the website were best served by sole-ownership going forward,” he said.
    • DMGT said the change in ownership will not affect management, with Peter Holder, managing director of the Australian business, continuing to report to Clarke.
    • The Daily Mail Australia has approximately 2 million monthly readers and has operations in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
    • Taking full control of the Australian business brings it in line with the Daily Mail’s US and UK digital operations, which are wholly owned by DMGT.