Page 9: How many of these potential points did you make? Did you successfully answer the questions?
- didn't use
- used
• Contrast similarities in celebration/social ritual
• Viewpoint of photographer
• Fast editing
• Catchy soundtrack
• Appeal to a range of audiences through use of different nationalities / ages etc.
• Direct address of the “Who are you?” questioning
• Use of text on screen to provide a very contemporary scene
• One text creates the desire to own a product, while the other encourages self-realisation
Page 15: How many of the broad areas suggested by AQA did you cover in your Section B essay? Did you successfully answer the question?
- didn't use
- used
Question 6
• Agenda setting via consumption
• Agenda setting via production
• Role of e-commerce
• Globalisation and media manipulation
• Exemplification via case study
Examiner's Report: for each question, would you classify your response as one of the stronger answers or one of the weaker answers the Chief Examiner discusses?
Question 1
The examiners report suggests how weaker students focused on fairly simple points which is initially what I did. I missed out on media terminology which made my answer weaker and didn't include the main points.
Question 2
The examiners report suggests how students limited their ability to explore the range of technologies and platforms available to individuals when revealing their identity. My main weakness was that I didn't refer back to the text and focused on information elsewhere
Question 3
The examiners report suggests how weaker students made simplistic points which is what I done as well however my main issue was not referring back to the text.
Weakest question in Section A
Question 1:
Contrast the techniques used by each product to communicate its message.
The techniques used by each product to communicate its message was that both products used different sounds where product one used diegetic sound to create an atmosphere and allow the audience to feel reality and allowed the audience to celebrate and be happy about the product; whereas, product two used non-diegetic sound which had a more harsher tone on the audience as the sound that was used was intense and upbeat causing the audience to have a more focused response to the product. the graphics that appeared on the screen for product two provided a very contemporary scene as well as directing messaging the audience by asking questions to the audience such as 'WHO ARE YOU'. Both products also issued representational issues, for example in product one the individuals were presented positively which shows their attitude and their acceptance to the community positively. The shots used showed the individuals emotions of joy and happiness. However, in product two the scenes were more intense in terms of how it was presented. The shots used were more close ups of the individuals eyes which related back to the text emphasising the idea of the individuals identity. In product one, there was a use of a montage to celebrate the universality of marriage which was effective in communicating the happiness and the joy of the individuals in the advert as the montage presented many individuals from different ethnic groups and different age groups. The use of editing was also a way of communicating the message to the audience as product one used slow editing to emphasise the harmony and the happiness of the product, whereas product two had fast editing which emphasised that the product is more of a straight forward product. Overall, product one used text to create a desire to own a product, for example in the advert there was a kid holding the camera and taking pictures which allowed the audience to see the value of the product and the happiness it holds. Whereas product two encourages self-realisation with the use of direct messages to the audience making the audience realise their identity and who they are.
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