Monday, 5 October 2015

NDM baseline assessment learner response'

Harsh Feedback from Mr.Bush 

Good effort Dhruvina

WWW: attempt to incorporate own research/reading

EBI: you need to answer the question. Focus on keywords (introduction). Re-do intro and write an additional paragraph doing this 

Mark: - ) 


There has been a great development in new/digital media, as there is now much more to for audiences to consume; in other words, 'the most powerful conglomerates dismisses traditional media.' The  developments in new and digital media has given audiences a access to greater variety of views and values, as they have the power to make radio stations and websites which shows that there are no gate keepers. However, even though there are many advantages to the developments, audiences may also be empowered negatively by these developments due to issues such as privacy.

Social networks such as Skype and Facebook advantage audiences significantly due to the access they gain of being connected to other individuals around the world. This therefores creates a global village which mckluan describes as being a way of giving audiences easy access to communication around the world. The developments in new and digital media have also allowed numerous ways for audiences to communicate, for example, Skype allows audiences to make one to many or many to many calls around the world. 

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